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You’re a couple looking to create a memorable environment that showcases your personal style. Let’s Party Prettier can help you achieve just the right look with services and inventory curated with you in mind. Browse through our collection or contact us to book a design consultation and together we’ll make your dreams come true.

Rattan sofa for this boho wedding lounge at Villa Nascosta Image courtsey of Amber Verdugo Photography

Rattan sofa for this boho wedding lounge at Villa Nascosta Image courtsey of Amber Verdugo Photography

wedding design

Wedding design is what your wedding will look like and feel like. We promise to create spaces that make you, your family and your friends feel welcomed. Your style, vision, and spirit will be at the heart of every decision in transforming your space. Think of it as the blueprint of your event, after telling us what you want we create a completely custom, aesthetically cohesive design.

Double peacock chair is the perfect sweetheart chair for all you boho/folksy/eclectic lovers! Image courtsey of RANDY JACOB

Double peacock chair is the perfect sweetheart chair for all you boho/folksy/eclectic lovers! Image courtsey of RANDY JACOB

wedding rentals

Please browse through our collection to find the specialty rentals of your dreams. The perfect pieces to create your one-of-a-kind lounge or special seating for you and your soulmate! Don’t see what you're looking for? No problem! Let us know and we’ll source that unique boho, modern, and eclectic rentals just for you!

Barrel wicker chairs for this head table at The Gardens. Image courtesy of Dakota Lynn Photography

Barrel wicker chairs for this head table at The Gardens. Image courtesy of Dakota Lynn Photography

wedding styling

Wedding styling is how you ensure your event is picture perfect. What does that mean exactly? When hired as your stylist, we physically bring our designs to life and strategically set-up and place each item. You can hire us to style your whole wedding or you can select certain areas such as your lounge, ceremony, tables, seating chart, or bar!


Our design services are customized to your wants and needs and will vary depending on the project at hand. You can book hourly consultations by themselves (two-hour min.) or book a full design package for $3,500. With several packages in between, you’re sure to find the one that serves you best! Contact us here, or via phone or email!




